Mark Miles
Mark Miles attends Columbia College in Chicago and plans to become a cartoonist. Mark says the scholarship helped him pay for books and dorm items. Mark will graduate in 2020.

Amari Fennoy
Amari Fennoy graduated from Spelman College. The scholarship she received from the Greater East Saint Louis Community Fund helped minimize her financial burden. It allowed her to apply all her energy toward academic success.

Aza Walker
Aza Walker was an engineering major at the University of Illinois. He graduated in 2018 and now works as an engineer.

Brandy Brown
Brandy Brown entered Howard University in the fall of 2015. The Greater East St. Louis Community Fund scholarship greatly assisted with educational expenses and allowed her to advance her educational opportunities. Brandy graduated from Howard University in 2019.

Kayla Loveless
Kayla Loveless entered the program in 2012 as East St. Louis High School student transitioning to the University of Missouri. Kayla completed her Bachelor’s in 2016 and went on to Washington University Law School’s program. The Greater East St. Louis Community Fund Scholarship Program has helped ease the burden of loans for her educational goals for over seven years.

Kayla Lucas
Kayla Lucas was the recipient of the East St. Louis Senior High School Class of 1968 scholarship for the next three years. Kayla is a sophomore at Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio. Kayla was selected because of the high scholastic achievement she earned her freshman year in college. The Greater East St. Louis Community Fund thanks the East St. Louis Senior High School Class of 1968 for their contribution.